For whom?

Who can benefit from orthomolecular therapy?

CPNI stands for “clinical psycho-neuro-immunology” and is a rapidly growing field of modern medicine that goes to the heart of a complaint or illness in a natural, scientifically based way. In English speaking countries it is known as “Functional Medicine” and is gaining great popularity.

cPNI is a specialisation of Orthomolecular Medicine. This science investigates the connections between (epi)genetics, immunology, physiology, neurology, psychology, biochemistry, sociology and endocrinology.

It is a form of therapy that offers help with the following themes:

Chronic illnesses

  • (Prolonged) burn-out symptoms
  • Lyme disease (infectious disease caused by the Borrelia bacteria)
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Adrenal exhaustion (occurs because constant stress, anger, fear, etc. for a long time cortisol must be produced)
  • Fibromyalgia (with fibromyalgia you suffer from chronic pain in your muscles and connective tissue)

Nutrition & Allergies

  • For those who want to investigate whether symptoms are caused by an allergy or hypersensitivity – even if the usual allergy tests say that there is nothing wrong
  • For those who wonder if the ‘Ketogenic’ diet, Low Carb / High Fat’ can help

No Clear Diagnosis

  • You have complaints that your doctor or other therapist can’t help you with.
  • The doctor or therapist is not sure, the therapy just doesn’t work, or the complaints keep coming back. Examples are: eczema, chronic fatigue, headaches, menopause complaints, sleep disorders, etc.

The Natural & Holistic Way to the Core

  • You don’t want to keep tinkering with superficial symptoms, but want to tackle the deeper causes so that you can get rid of the problem in the long term
  • You want to use nutrition and natural remedies made from plants, flowers, herbs, germs, vitamins, minerals, etc. as much as possible. You will receive individual advice on which substances are suitable for your system and how much and how long to use them
  • You want to discover whether your physical complaints may have an emotional cause. Perhaps there is an underlying traumatic event from the past?
  • Or exactly the opposite: you want to find out if your emotional complaints (depressions, fears) perhaps have a physical (biochemical, hormonal) cause
  • Advice for a therapy: You are wondering whether it makes sense to go to a particular doctor or therapist, for example to a doctor of ‘orthomanual therapy’. Or to a physiotherapist, podiatrist, cranio-sacral therapist or to a regular doctor/specialist for additional diagnosis/therapy

For Children

  • You have a ‘crying baby’ and you finally want to know whether this is due to an intestinal infection, food allergy, position of the cervical vertebrae, etc.
  • Your child struggles with concentration problems, learning difficulties, endless colds

Prevention & Second Opinion

  • Prevention: prevention is better than cure
  • A general health check-up
  • If you see ‘becoming healthy and staying healthy’ as a process of growth and learning
  • A way of developing insight and awareness
  • For those who want a second opinion, or a different view, a new vision of your health history

Highly Sensitive People (HSPs)

  • The natural approach of cPNI and Functional Medicine is ideally suited for people who are born with a sensitive system (also known as HSP or ‘Empath’)