Diagnosis / Therapy

Diagnosis / Therapy

Once we have identified the cause or causes of the complaint, we look for the most appropriate dietary modification (e.g. meal frequency, reduction of sugars/carbohydrates), supplementation, and possibly medication – always on a natural basis.

Example treatment allergy
In the case of an allergy, for instance, we will look for the causative allergen and why you have become allergic. Where does the allergen enter the body? Through a weakened gut, lung or skin barrier? How can we strengthen it so that the immune system no longer has to react (or overreact)?

Example Neck and back complaints
Perhaps your complaints are caused by a wrong posture. Or because something is wrong with your neck or back vertebrae. We can determine this by examining the position of your back, vertebrae, shoulders and ribs. And through an impression of the soles of the feet.

Gemmo- & Phytotherapy
To bring the affected area or organ back into balance, we use gemmo- and phytotherapeutic remedies. Gemmotherapy remedies use parts of plants that are in an active growth phase, such as buds (the word gemmo is derived from gemma which means ‘bud’ in Latin). During this phase, special growth substances such as enzymes and amino acids are present in the young plants. In the fully-grown plant, these unique growth substances are no longer present, because the plant has used them to complete the growth process.

Gemmotherapy is used on the one hand to remove toxic substances from the body, and on the other hand, to support the specific organs in their optimal functioning. The products (“Gemmo Solutions” series) are from organic cultivation.

Natural Approach
Other examples of natural remedies that we prescribe are:
Orthomolecular remedies: vitamins, minerals, proteins and amino acids, antioxidants, enzymes, omega-3, pro- and prebiotics
cPNI line (clinical-psycho-neuro-immunology): interaction between psyche, neurological, immunological and endocrinological system
Bach Blossom remedies
Zimmermann remedies

We also test whether you tolerate them.